Something is coming back to

More than 70 years ago, Mr. E.L. "Buck" Perry introduced a whole new approach and mindset to fishing. He termed it Spoonplugging. Using ideas that he created and tested over many years, in all kinds of fishing environments, to build a novel approach to removing as much of the "luck" from fishing. His ideas have been used as the foundation for much of modern angling, though many have never even heard his name. Ask the biggest names in the industry, however, and they will immediately know the name.

Certified Spoonplugging Instructor John Bales, one of the best spoonpluggers on the planet, has shared part of his vast knowledge and experience in a 4-part video series targeted at all ranges of experienced fishermen. He covers a wide range of topics in real time, demonstrating one of the true powers of Spoonplugging - the speed and efficiency with which you can arrive at the right place to be with only a small investment in equipment (and no gimmicks). Then the only thing to do is wait for the movement.

The video series is available now.
Please contact for details and ordering.